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Wrestler's Toolbox: Drills and Techniques for Dominating the Mat

Wrestling is a physically demanding and highly competitive sport that requires a combination of strength, speed, agility, and technique. To dominate the mat, you must be well-versed in a variety of drills and techniques that will enhance your skills and transform you into a formidable wrestler. In this comprehensive guide, you'll uncover the essential drills and techniques that will help you become a force to be reckoned with on the wrestling mat.

Warm-up and Conditioning Drills

A proper warm-up and conditioning routine is essential for preventing injuries, improving flexibility, and building the stamina needed for wrestling. Incorporate these warm-up exercises and conditioning drills into your training regimen.

Basic Warm-up Exercises

Before starting any intense wrestling drills or practice, it's important to warm up your body with some basic exercises. Some effective warm-up exercises include:

  • Jogging or jumping jacks

  • Arm circles

  • Leg swings

  • Hip circles

  • Neck rolls

Conditioning Drills

To build the strength and endurance required for wrestling, incorporate conditioning drills into your training. Some effective conditioning drills include:

  • Sprints

  • Push-ups

  • Burpees

  • Pull-ups

  • Squats

Stand-up Techniques

Stand-up techniques are critical for initiating offensive moves and securing takedowns. Master these stand-up techniques to gain an advantage over your opponents.

Single-leg Takedown

The single-leg takedown is a fundamental wrestling move that involves grabbing one of your opponent's legs to take them down to the mat.

  • Start in a staggered stance, facing your opponent.

  • Lower your level and shoot in towards your opponent's lead leg.

  • Wrap your arms around the leg, with your head on the outside.

  • Drive through your opponent, lifting the leg and completing the takedown.

Double-leg Takedown

The double-leg takedown is a powerful technique that involves driving through your opponent and taking them down by attacking both legs.

  • Begin in a staggered stance, facing your opponent.

  • Lower your level and shoot in towards your opponent, aiming for their legs.

  • Wrap both arms around your opponent's legs, keeping your head on the outside.

  • Use your shoulder and legs to drive through your opponent, completing the takedown.

High Crotch

The high crotch is an effective takedown technique that targets one of your opponent's legs while maintaining a higher position.

  • Start in a staggered stance, facing your opponent.

  • Lower your level and shoot in towards your opponent's lead leg.

  • Place your head on the inside of your opponent's leg, and your arm around their thigh.

  • Lift the leg and drive through your opponent to complete the takedown.

Fireman's Carry

The fireman's carry is a dynamic takedown that involves lifting your opponent over your shoulder and bringing them down to the mat.

  • Begin in a staggered stance, facing your opponent.

  • Shoot in towards your opponent, placing one arm around their leg and the other around their waist.

  • Pull your opponent onto your shoulder and use your momentum to carry them over and onto the mat.

Mat Work

Once your opponent is on the mat, you'll need to utilize effective mat work techniques to maintain control and score points. Practice these essential mat work techniques to dominate your opponents on the ground.

Half Nelson

The half nelson is a classic wrestling move that allows you to turn your opponent onto their back.

  • Start in a referee's position, with your opponent on all fours.

  • Slide one arm under your opponent's arm and place your hand on the back of their neck.

  • Apply pressure to the back of their neck while driving your hips forward, turning them onto their back.


The armbar is a technique used to control your opponent and set up pinning combinations.

  • Begin in a referee's position, with your opponent on all fours.

  • Reach underneath your opponent's arm and secure their wrist with your hand.

  • Apply pressure by pulling their arm back and up, while driving your weight forward.


The cradle is a pinning combination that involves locking your opponent's head and leg together.

  • Start in a referee's position, with your opponent on all fours.

  • Reach across your opponent's body to grab their far knee.

  • Slide your other arm around their head and lock your hands together.

  • Pull your opponent onto their side and use your legs to secure the pin.

Leg Riding

Leg riding is a technique used to control and break down your opponent on the mat.

  • Begin in a referee's position, with your opponent on all fours.

  • Hook one of your legs around your opponent's leg, securing it with your foot.

  • Apply pressure with your hips and upper body to break your opponent down and maintain control.

Defensive Techniques

In wrestling, you must also be proficient in defensive techniques to counter your opponent's attacks and escape from unfavorable positions. Master these defensive techniques to improve your overall wrestling skills.


The sprawl is a fundamental defensive move used to counter takedown attempts.

  • As your opponent shoots in for a takedown, quickly drop your hips to the mat.

  • Spread your legs out behind you, creating a wide base to prevent your opponent from grabbing your legs.

  • Use your chest and arms to apply pressure to your opponent's upper body, stopping their forward momentum.

Stand-up Escape

The stand-up escape is a technique used to break free from your opponent's control on the mat and return to a standing position.

  • Begin in a referee's position, with your opponent on top.

  • Plant one foot on the mat and push off, bringing your other foot forward to stand up.

  • Control your opponent's hands and break their grip, then turn and face them to complete the escape.


The switch is a reversal technique that allows you to quickly change positions and gain control of your opponent.

  • Start in a referee's position, with your opponent on top.

  • Plant one foot on the mat and swing your other leg underneath your body, reaching for your opponent's far leg.

  • Use your momentum to spin around and gain control of your opponent, completing the reversal.

Granby Roll

The Granby roll is an acrobatic escape technique that can help you break free from your opponent's control.

  • Begin in a referee's position, with your opponent on top.

  • Tuck your head and perform a shoulder roll, kicking your legs over your head and onto the mat.

  • Use the momentum from the roll to return to your feet or a neutral position on the mat.

Drilling Tips and Strategies

To truly master the techniques outlined above, you'll need to practice them regularly through various drills. Consider incorporating these drilling tips and strategies into your training routine.

Solo Drills

Solo drills are an excellent way to practice wrestling techniques when a partner is unavailable. Some effective solo drills include:

  • Shadow wrestling

  • Stance and motion drills

  • Sprawl drills

  • Bridging exercises

Partner Drills

Practicing techniques with a partner allows you to develop your skills in a more realistic environment. Some effective partner drills include:

  • Hand fighting

  • Takedown and escape drills

  • Live wrestling situations

  • Chain wrestling

Situational Drills

Situational drills help you develop the ability to execute techniques under pressure and in specific scenarios. Some examples of situational drills include:

  • Defending a takedown attempt from the edge of the mat

  • Escaping from bottom position with limited time on the clock

  • Scoring a takedown in overtime

To dominate the mat and become a successful wrestler, it's crucial to master a variety of drills and techniques. By incorporating these essential skills into your training regimen and practicing them consistently, you'll be well on your way to achieving your wrestling goals. Remember, progress takes time and dedication, so stay committed and embrace the journey.

In need of some wrestling gear? Below we've provided essential products (with affiliate links) you will need in your wrestling journey.

If you're also looking for some grappling tutorials, check us out on YouTube:

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